Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sleeping, eating and . . . flowers?

We're still sleeping quite a bit. Ethan has a couple of raw spots from the tape they had the tubes and mask held on with.

They raised the head of the bed just a little bit and that made it a little easier to eat. He only ate 4 bites of noodles from his chicken noodle soup and a little over one slice of canned peaches. But that's our best yet.
Ethan had a visitor today but he slept right through it. We had to take a picture so he'd believe me that he had a dog dressed up as a flower come to see him.
They took him off the last little bit of sedation medicine that he was getting. He was starting to have a few respiratory issues so they wanted to go ahead and get him off the sedation because it can cause the respiratory things as a side effect. he's still on all the pain meds though.

1 comment:

CherylCG said...

Maybe it's best he slept through his visit from the flower-dog. If I were sedated and full of pain meds, and opened my eyes long enough to see that sight...I would probably ask them to reduce my dosage....
