Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ethan and I went to church this morning to a small church with not very many people which was good. He made it through most of service then was getting achy and ready to move around. We went for a little walk around and that seemed to help. It was nice to get out with him a little bit, but I do see why they don't want him at school, it wore him out, and he also got bumped on his back and that made quite a grimace.

We start physical therapy on Monday morning and go back for a follow up with the neurosurgeon on Wednesday. I have feeling PT will be really hard for him right now, but it is definitely needed to help him get walking better and help strengthen his core muscles to help him sit up straighter. He had been leaning a lot to the side before surgery, and now after moving around all those muscles in his back, he's very weak around his stomach and back.

It seemed to take him quite a while to start moving again, but now that he has, he's been doing so much better each day.

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